Bachelor of music

Concertgebouworkest Young 2020 (was accomplished in 2021 because of Covid-19). A youth
orchestra with people from all of EU/EØS, with mentoring from musicians in the Concertebouworkest
-“Ung Filharmoni” 2019-2021: A national youth orchestra with mentoring from the Oslo Philharmonic
Orchestra and playing side-by-side with the Oslo Philharmonic during the main concert
-Polstjärnekurset 2019-2020: A youth orchestra with people from Nordic countries, and we play sideby-
side with the Göteborg Symphonic Orchestra at the main concert
-Norwegian Youth Symphony Orchestra 2017-2020
Chamber music:
-Yearly Summer Academy with Oslo Kammerakademi 2019 and 2022
-Played with several chamber groups within Barratt-Due Music Institute and the Music Conservatoire
in Tromsø
-As a member of the «Young Talents Quintet» (Barratt-Due Music Institute), we won 3rd price of the
Nordic Wind festivals woodwind quintet competition 2021
-The «Talent scholarship» from Sparebank1 Nord-Norge 2022
-Ishavskraft´s culture scholarship 2020
-Tonekunstnersamfundets stipend 2021
-Drømmestipendet (Translated “The Dream Scholarship”) 2018
-Sparebankstiftelsen 2016 (A culture scholarship from a bank in Norway
Solo missions/competitions:
-In February/March 2022, I was one of two winners who were given the possibility to borrow a new
professional instrument from the Norwegian Double Reed Society, which is a professional Yamaha
YFG 812 C II.
-Played a concert in 2022 at the Norwegian Church Abroad in Malaga, Spain
-1st Prize of Woodwinds, age class 3, in the National Youth´s Music Competition of Norway in 2020
-Played a solo section in 2021 at the «Coming Stars» concert during Nordlysfestivalen («The Northern
Light Festival» in Tromsø)
-Came to the Finale round in the National Youth´s Music Competition of Norway in 2019
-Played Ciranda das Sete Notas by Villa-Lobos with Toppensymfonikerne during Toppenkurset in
Mosjøen, Norway in 2019.
-Played Solo in 2016 with Weber bassoon concerto 1st movement with Ungsy (an orchestra project,
with musicians from Arctic Philharmonic Orchestra and Tromsø Culture School)
-Won Grand Prix in the international competition “Stages of the Growth” in Arkhangelsk 2016
Talent programs/courses:
-ISA (international summer academy) 2022 in Payerbach, Austria
-Konstknekt 2021-2023. An international talent program which is a collaboration project between
«Bergstadens Festspillene» in Røros (Norway) and the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. In KonstKnekt
I have a mentor from the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as playing with the other «Knekters»,
international professional musicians and other mentors from the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
-Talent program of Music at the high school “Kongsbakken Videregående Skole” in Tromsø
-«Papillon musician» 2019-2021: Talent program under «Valdres sommersymfoni» in Valdres,
-Studied at «Young Musicians» 2015-2019: A talent program by the Music Conservatoire in Tromsø
Teachers and lessons:
-I had Anton Biehe as a teacher 2010-2018, Jon Halvor Lund from 2018 and from October 2022 I
study bachelor at Hochschule für Musik und Theater München with Dag Jensen. I have also had
lessons with bassoonists Alessandro Caprotti, Eirik Birkeland, Roman Reznik, Ole Kristian Dahl,
Bence Boganyi and Simon van Holen.